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Noun wy has 1 sense
  1. Wyoming, Equality State, WY - a state in the western United States; mountainous in the west and north with the Great Plains in the east
    --1 is a kind of American state
    --1 is a part of
     United States, United States of America, America, US, U.S., USA, U.S.A.
    --1 has parts:
     Grand Teton National Park; Yellowstone National Park; Black Hills; Casper; Cheyenne, capital of Wyoming; Jackson; Lander; Laramie; Rock Springs; Bighorn, Bighorn River; Black Hills; Green, Green River; Little Bighorn, Little Bighorn River, Little Horn; Little Missouri, Little Missouri River; North Platte, North Platte River; Snake, Snake River; Teton Range; Yellowstone, Yellowstone River
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