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wring out


Definitions from WordNet

Verb wring out has 1 sense
  1. wring out, squeeze out - extract (liquid) by squeezing or pressing; "wring out the washcloth"
    --1 is one way to extract, pull out, pull, pull up, take out, draw out
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s something
    Something ----s something

Definitions from the Web

Wring Out:

Definition: To extract liquid from something by twisting and compressing.

Part of Speech: Verb

Sense 1: To squeeze out liquid from a wet object by twisting and applying pressure.

Example sentence:
- After washing the clothes, she wrung them out before hanging them on the line to dry.

Sense 2: To extract information or force a confession through intense questioning or pressure.

Example sentence:
- The detective managed to wring out the truth from the suspect during the intense interrogation.

Sense 3: To remove excessive moisture or liquid from something.

Example sentence:
- It is advisable to wring out the sponge before using it to clean the surfaces.

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