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workout suit


Definitions from WordNet

Noun workout suit has 1 sense
  1. sweat suit, sweatsuit, sweats, workout suit - garment consisting of sweat pants and a sweatshirt
    --1 is a kind of garment
    --1 has parts: sweat pants; sweatshirt

Definitions from the Web

Term: Workout Suit


A workout suit refers to a set of clothing typically worn during physical exercise or fitness activities. It is designed to provide comfort, ease of movement, and moisture-wicking properties to enhance performance and protect the body.


1. Noun - A complete set of coordinated clothing worn during workout sessions.

2. Noun - A type of jumpsuit or one-piece clothing specially designed for exercising.

3. Verb - Dressing or putting on a workout suit for exercise or training purposes.


1. She bought a new workout suit to wear to her yoga classes.

2. The athlete wore a sleek workout suit during the track and field competition.

3. Don't forget to workout suit up before hitting the gym.

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