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Definitions from WordNet

Noun workboard has 1 sense
  1. workboard, work-board - a horizontal board that provides a supported surface for manual work
    --1 is a kind of board

Definitions from the Web



A workboard refers to a large board or surface used for planning, organizing, or tracking various tasks, projects, or schedules in a workspace.



1. Physical Board:

A workboard is a physical board made of materials such as cork, whiteboard, or chalkboard, often mounted on a wall or stand, where one can pin notes, schedules, or other relevant materials as a means of visual organization and planning.

Example sentence: I pinned our team's progress chart on the workboard in the common area for everyone to see.

Related products: Cork Bulletin Board, Whiteboard, Chalkboard

2. Digital Equivalent:

A workboard can also refer to an online or digital platform or software that serves the same purpose as a physical board. It allows users to create, manage, and track tasks, projects, or schedules virtually.

Example sentence: Our remote team uses a collaborative workboard tool to keep track of all ongoing tasks and deadlines.

Related products: Project Management Software, Task Management Software


Workboards are commonly utilized in workplaces, educational institutions, and personal spaces where planning and organization are crucial for productivity.

If you're looking for tools and materials to create a workboard:

Related products: Cork Bulletin Board, Whiteboard, Chalkboard, Push Pins, Dry Erase Markers

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