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work around


Definitions from the Web

Term: Work Around


A work around is a method or solution that is used to overcome a problem or issue in a particular situation. It refers to finding an alternative way to achieve a desired outcome when the usual or preferred method is not possible or effective.


  1. Noun: A workaround can refer to a specific solution or strategy devised to bypass limitations or flaws in software, systems, or processes.
  2. Verb: To work around means to find ways to circumvent an obstacle, to overcome a difficulty, or to accomplish a task by using an alternative method or approach.

Sample Sentences:

  1. As a noun:
    - The programmer used a clever work around to resolve the bug in the code.
    - The team devised a creative work around to tackle the technical limitations of the software.
  2. As a verb:
    - Despite the technical glitch, she managed to work around the issue and complete the project on time.
    - The IT department had to work around the server failure to ensure uninterrupted service to their clients.

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