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Definitions from WordNet

Noun woodgrain has 1 sense
  1. wood grain, woodgrain - texture of fibers in wood
    --1 is a kind of grain

Definitions from the Web



Woodgrain is a pattern that resembles the natural grain of wood, typically found on surfaces made of materials like paper, plastic, or metal. It is often used for decorative purposes to give a realistic wood-like appearance.


As a noun:

  1. The table had a beautiful woodgrain pattern.
  2. She admired the intricate details of the woodgrain on the door.
  3. The woodgrain on the laminate flooring gave the room a cozy feel.

As an adjective:

  1. He opted for a woodgrain finish on his new guitar.
  2. The woodgrain texture of the wallpaper added warmth to the room.
  3. She chose a woodgrain ceramic tile for the kitchen backsplash.

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