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Definitions from WordNet

Noun wishfulness has 1 sense
  1. wishfulness - an unrealistic yearning
    --1 is a kind of
    longing, yearning

Definitions from the Web


Definition: The state of feeling or expressing a strong desire or hope for something.

Noun: Wishfulness can often lead to daydreaming and whimsical thoughts.

Example Sentence: Her wishfulness for a better future motivated her to work harder every day.

Adjective: Her wishfulness thinking often makes her oblivious to reality.

Example Sentence: His wishfulness thoughts about finding true love were shattered when he realized it was just a fantasy.

Adverb: He looked at her wishfully, hoping she would say yes to his proposal.

Example Sentence: She stopped and gazed wishfully at the beautiful sunset, wishing the moment would last forever.

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