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wine steward


Definitions from WordNet

Noun wine steward has 1 sense
  1. sommelier, wine waiter, wine steward - a waiter who manages wine service in a hotel or restaurant
    --1 is a kind of waiter, server

Definitions from the Web

Wine Steward


A wine steward, also known as a sommelier, is an expert in the art of wine appreciation and service. They are responsible for curating and managing a wine collection, recommending appropriate wine pairings, and ensuring the guests' wine experience is exceptional.

Senses and Usages:


  1. A person employed in a restaurant or a wine store to assist customers in selecting and enjoying wines.
  2. Example Sentence: The wine steward suggested a bold red wine to pair with the steak.

  3. A professional who possesses extensive knowledge of wines, including regions, flavors, and vintages.
  4. Example Sentence: The wine steward won the blind tasting competition, demonstrating his expertise in identifying different varietals.

  5. A sommelier responsible for managing a wine cellar, monitoring inventory, and ensuring proper storage conditions.
  6. Example Sentence: The wine steward meticulously organized the cellar, ensuring each bottle was properly labeled and stored.

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