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willem de kooning


Definitions from WordNet

Noun willem de kooning has 1 sense
  1. de Kooning, Willem de Kooning - United States painter (born in the Netherlands) who was a leading American exponent of abstract expressionism (1904-1997)
    --1 is a kind of painter

Definitions from the Web

Willem de Kooning


Willem de Kooning was a Dutch-American abstract expressionist artist. He was known for his unique and influential style, combining abstract forms with figurative elements. De Kooning is considered one of the most important artists of the 20th century.

Sample Sentences:

  1. Noun: Willem de Kooning's paintings often feature vibrant colors and bold brushstrokes.
  2. Verb: Many artists are inspired by de Kooning's ability to capture emotion through his art.
  3. Adjective: The exhibition showcased a stunning de Kooning piece that left the audience in awe.
  4. Adverb: The artist skillfully and passionately created paintings in the style of de Kooning.

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