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white pox


Definitions from WordNet

Noun white pox has 1 sense
  1. alastrim, variola minor, pseudosmallpox, pseudovariola, milk pox, white pox, West Indian smallpox, Cuban itch, Kaffir pox - a mild form of smallpox caused by a less virulent form of the virus
    --1 is a kind of smallpox, variola, variola major

Definitions from the Web

White Pox


White Pox is a coral disease caused by bacterial infections that results in white patches on the coral surface. It is a significant threat to coral reefs worldwide.


  • The coral reef was devastated by the outbreak of white pox.
  • White pox has been spreading rapidly across the Caribbean Sea.
  • Scientists are studying the causes and impact of white pox on coral ecosystems.

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