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white hope


Definitions from WordNet

Noun white hope has 1 sense
  1. white hope, great white hope - someone (or something) expected to achieve great success in a given field; "this company is the great white hope of the nuclear industry's waste management policy"
    --1 is a kind of hope

Definitions from the Web

White Hope

Part of Speech: Noun

Sense: (1) A talented person, typically an athlete, who is expected to bring success and hope to a particular group or community.

Sample Sentence: The young tennis player is hailed as the white hope of his country, with the potential to bring home numerous championships.

Sense: (2) In early 20th-century boxing, a white boxer who was regarded as a potential contender for the world heavyweight title.

Sample Sentence: Jack was considered the great white hope in the boxing world, as he dominated the ring with his exceptional skills.

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