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Definitions from WordNet

Noun whip-round has 1 sense
  1. whip-round - solicitation of money usually for a benevolent purpose
    --1 is a kind of
    solicitation, appeal, collection, ingathering

Definitions from the Web


Part of Speech: Noun

Sense 1: Fundraising Collection

A whip-round is a collection of money from a group of people, usually for a specified purpose, such as a charitable donation or a gift for someone in need.

Example sentence: The colleagues organized a whip-round to buy a farewell gift for their retiring boss.

Sense 2: Informal Gathering

A whip-round can also refer to an informal gathering or meeting where people come together to discuss and address a particular topic or issue.

Example sentence: We had a whip-round at the office to brainstorm ideas for our team outing.

Part of Speech: Verb

Sense 1: Collect Money

To whip-round, as a verb, means to collect money from a group of people for a specific purpose or cause.

Example sentence: The students decided to whip-round to raise funds for their school trip.

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