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Definitions from WordNet

Noun wetback has 1 sense
  1. greaser, wetback, taco - offensive terms for a person of Mexican descent
    --1 is a kind of Mexican

Definitions from the Web


"Wetbacks" is a derogatory term historically used to refer to Mexican immigrants, especially those who have entered the United States by illegally crossing the Rio Grande or the U.S.-Mexico border. It is considered offensive and derogatory towards individuals of Mexican descent.

Sample Sentences:

1. Noun (Offensive):

- The term "wetbacks" is highly offensive and should never be used to describe individuals.

- It is important to educate ourselves and eradicate the use of derogatory terms like "wetbacks" in our society.

2. Adjective (Offensive):

- The usage of the term "wetbacks" as an adjective is considered discriminatory and prejudiced.

- The author's overtly racist novel used offensive terms such as "wetbacks" throughout the storyline.

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