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western hemlock


Definitions from WordNet

Noun western hemlock has 1 sense
  1. western hemlock, Pacific hemlock, west coast hemlock, Tsuga heterophylla - tall evergreen of western North America; commercially important timber tree
    --1 is a kind of hemlock, hemlock tree

Definitions from the Web

Western Hemlock


The Western Hemlock is a species of evergreen coniferous tree native to the western coastal regions of North America. It is a medium to large-sized tree known for its dense foliage and attractive, drooping branches. Scientifically known as Tsuga heterophylla, the Western Hemlock is an important timber species and is also valued for its ornamental use in landscaping.

Parts of Speech:

  • Noun: The Western Hemlock is a majestic tree found throughout the Pacific Northwest.
  • Adjective: The Western Hemlock forest provides a lush green habitat for various wildlife species.

Senses and Usages:

1. Sense: Referring to the tree species or its wood.

Usage: The lumber industry extensively relies on the Western Hemlock for its strong and durable timber.

Sample Sentence: The carpenter crafted a beautiful dining table using high-quality Western Hemlock wood.

2. Sense: Referring to the characteristics or attributes of the tree or its habitat.

Usage: The Western Hemlock forest is known for its tranquil ambiance and serene beauty.

Sample Sentence: Hiking through the Western Hemlock forest refreshes the mind and rejuvenates the soul.

3. Sense: Referring to the essential oil derived from the Western Hemlock.

Usage: The soothing aroma of Western Hemlock oil is often used in aromatherapy to relieve stress.

Sample Sentence: After a long day, she enjoyed a relaxing bath with a few drops of Western Hemlock oil.

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