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west indian satinwood


Definitions from WordNet

Noun west indian satinwood has 1 sense
  1. satinwood, West Indian satinwood, Zanthoxylum flavum - West Indian tree with smooth lustrous and slightly oily wood
    --1 is a kind of angiospermous yellowwood

Definitions from the Web

West Indian Satinwood

Definition: West Indian Satinwood refers to a beautiful hardwood tree, native to the West Indies, known for its yellowish wood used in furniture-making and decorative purposes.

Parts of Speech

  • Noun: West Indian Satinwood
  • Adjective: West Indian Satinwood


Sense 1: Hardwood Tree

Noun: West Indian Satinwood refers to a tropical hardwood tree (scientific name: Zanthoxylum flavum) found in the West Indies.

Example Sentence: The furniture manufacturer sourced the finest West Indian Satinwood timber for their luxurious dining set.

Sense 2: Wood Material

Noun: West Indian Satinwood is a type of wood highly valued for its yellowish hue, durability, and aesthetic qualities.

Example Sentence: The antique cabinet was crafted from exquisite West Indian Satinwood and featured intricate carvings.

Sense 3: Descriptive Term

Adjective: West Indian Satinwood is used to describe anything pertaining to or resembling the wood or characteristics of West Indian Satinwood.

Example Sentence: The interior designer chose a palette of West Indian Satinwood tones to create an elegant and warm atmosphere.

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