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Part of Speech: Adjective

Sense: Worn or damaged by frequent use or handling

Usage: Describes a book or any other item that shows signs of being frequently read, used, or handled by multiple individuals.

Example Sentence: The well-thumbed novel had its pages creased and folded from years of enjoyment.

Related Products on Amazon: Books with well-thumbed pages

Sense: Familiar or knowledgeable about something

Usage: Describes a person who is highly experienced and knowledgeable about a particular subject or activity.

Example Sentence: Being a well-thumbed expert in cooking, Sarah effortlessly prepared a multi-course meal for the gathering.

Related Products on Amazon: Cookbooks by well-thumbed chefs

well-structured well-studied well-suited well-tanned well-targeted well-tended well-thought-of well-thought well-thumbed well-timed well-to-do well-tolerated well-trafficked well-traveled well-tried well-turned well-vented

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