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Definitions from the Web



A web-spider, also known as a web crawler or simply a spider, is a computer program that systematically browses the World Wide Web, typically for the purpose of indexing web pages for search engines.


Noun (General Sense):

In the general sense, a web-spider refers to a program or bot that automatically navigates through websites, following links and extracting information.

Example Sentences:
  • The web-spider crawled all the pages on the website and indexed them for search engine results.
  • Web-spiders play a vital role in gathering data for web search engines.

Noun (Local Sense):

In the local sense, a web-spider can refer to a locally installed software or plugin used to download or save a webpage and its contents for offline access.

Example Sentences:
  • With the help of a web-spider, he was able to download an entire website to browse offline.
  • The web-spider plugin allowed her to save web pages as PDF files.

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Web Spider Software
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