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Term: wather


Wather is a slang term used in local dialects to refer to unpredictable weather conditions, particularly sudden changes in the weather. It can also be used to describe the general atmospheric conditions at a specific location.


  • Noun: The state of the weather at a particular time and place.
  • Noun: Sudden or unforeseen changes in weather patterns.
  • Adjective: Describing something related to or influenced by the local weather conditions.
  • Verb: To check or monitor the weather condition in a particular region.

Sample Sentences:

  1. Noun sense 1: The wather today is sunny with a few clouds.
  2. Noun sense 2: We had planned a picnic, but the wather turned stormy.
  3. Adjective sense: The wedding decorations were chosen to match the wather theme.
  4. Verb sense: I always wather the weather forecast before planning my outdoor activities.

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