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watering place


Definitions from WordNet

Noun watering place has 1 sense
  1. watering place, watering hole, spa - a health resort near a spring or at the seaside
    --1 is a kind of resort area, playground, vacation spot
    --1 has parts: pump room
    --1 has particulars: Wiesbaden

Definitions from the Web

Watering Place


A watering place refers to a location or establishment where water is provided for animals to drink, typically in reference to a designated area for livestock.

It can also denote a popular or local destination where people gather to drink, bathe, or enjoy water-related activities.

Examples of Usage

As a Place for Animals to Drink

Noun: The rancher guided his cattle towards the watering place to quench their thirst.

Noun: The national park has numerous watering places to ensure that wildlife has access to sufficient water.

As a Destination for People

Noun: The coastal town offers a picturesque watering place where tourists can relax and swim in the clear ocean waters.

Noun: (Local) The natural spring in the nearby forest serves as a favorite watering place for the villagers during summertime.

Verb: We should visit a popular watering place this weekend to escape the heat.

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