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water parsnip


Definitions from WordNet

Noun water parsnip has 1 sense
  1. water parsnip, Sium suave - stout white-flowered perennial found wild in shallow fresh water; northern United States and Asia
    --1 is a kind of marsh plant, bog plant, swamp plant
    --1 is a member of Sium, genus Sium

Definitions from the Web

Water Parsnip

Part of Speech: Noun

Sense 1: A perennial herbaceous plant, scientific name Sium latifolium, native to wetlands and streamsides. It has elongated hollow stems, compound leaves, and umbels of small white flowers.

Example sentence: The water parsnip thrives in the marshy areas, adding a touch of elegance with its graceful white blossoms.

Related products: Perennial Plants, Wetland Gardening, Wildflower Identification

Water Parsnip

Part of Speech: Noun

Sense 2: A culinary vegetable that belongs to the same family as carrots and parsnips, esteemed for its edible root which has a mild, nutty flavor and can be used in soups, stews, or as a nutritious side dish.

Example sentence: The chef skillfully incorporated the water parsnip into the hearty vegetable stew, creating a harmonious blend of flavors.

Related products: Vegetable Cookbook, Soup Pot, Nutrition Cooking

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