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wastepaper basket


Definitions from WordNet

Noun wastepaper basket has 1 sense
  1. wastepaper basket, waste-paper basket, wastebasket, waste basket, circular file - a container with an open top; for discarded paper and other rubbish
    --1 is a kind of container

Definitions from the Web

Wastepaper Basket


A wastepaper basket, commonly known as a trash can or garbage bin, is a container specifically designed for the disposal of paper waste. It is typically made of materials such as plastic, metal, or wicker, with an open top for easy disposal of paper items.


Noun - General Sense:

1. A receptacle used for the collection and disposal of waste paper.

Example sentence: Please make sure to throw the used paper into the wastepaper basket.

Noun - Popular Sense:

1. A popular decorative or stylish wastepaper basket used in homes or offices.

Example sentence: The sleek and modern wastepaper basket matched perfectly with the office decor.

Noun - Local Sense:

1. A term used in certain regions to refer to a specific type of wastepaper basket or container.

Example sentence: We have a tradition here of using hand-woven baskets as our wastepaper baskets.

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