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walpurgis night


Definitions from WordNet

Noun walpurgis night has 1 sense
  1. Walpurgis Night - eve of May Day
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web

Term: Walpurgis Night


Walpurgis Night, also known as Walpurgisnacht or Walpurgis Eve, is a traditional European holiday celebrated on the night of April 30th or May 1st. It is believed to be a night when witches gather and supernatural forces are at their strongest. The holiday has both pagan and Christian roots, and it is associated with bonfires, dancing, and various folk traditions.

Senses and Usages

  1. Pagan Tradition:

    In pagan folklore, Walpurgis Night was thought to mark the arrival of spring and the awakening of nature. It was seen as a time when witches and other supernatural beings held festivities and performed rituals. Today, some neo-pagan and Wiccan communities celebrate this night with bonfires and festivities in honor of ancient traditions.

    Sample Sentence: During Walpurgis Night, people gather around large bonfires and dance to celebrate the arrival of spring.

  2. Christian Observation:

    Within Christianity, Walpurgis Night is observed as the eve of the Feast of Saint Walpurga, a Christian saint from the 8th century. It is a time when people attend church services and commemorate Saint Walpurga's life and teachings.

    Sample Sentence: In some European countries, churches hold special services on Walpurgis Night as part of the Christian observation.

  3. Pop Culture References:

    Walpurgis Night has been referenced in various works of literature, movies, and music. It is often depicted as a mystical night associated with witches and supernatural occurrences.

    Sample Sentence: The famous novel "Faust" by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe features a thrilling scene that takes place during Walpurgis Night.

  4. Local Traditions:

    In different regions across Europe, Walpurgis Night is celebrated with unique local customs and traditions. These may include parades, wearing costumes, singing traditional songs, and performing dances specific to each locality.

    Sample Sentence: The small village of Harz in Germany is known for its vibrant Walpurgis Night festivities, where locals dress up as witches and parade through the streets.

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