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wage setter


Definitions from WordNet

Noun wage setter has 1 sense
  1. wage setter - any financial condition or variable that serves to set wage rates
    --1 is a kind of
    financial condition, economic condition

Definitions from the Web

Wage Setter


Wage Setter refers to an individual, group, or organization that has the authority or influence to determine the wages or salary levels for a particular job or industry. They play a crucial role in establishing fair and competitive wages based on various factors such as market conditions, industry standards, and labor negotiations.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The labor union acts as a wage setter, negotiating with employers to secure better pay and benefits for their members.
  2. The company's executive board serves as the main wage setter, analyzing market trends and making decisions regarding employee compensation.
  3. As a prominent figure in the industry, her opinions as a wage setter carry considerable weight and impact salary structures across the sector.
  4. The wage setter consulted various economic indicators to determine the appropriate increase in minimum wages.
  5. After several rounds of negotiations, the wage setter and the employees reached a mutual agreement on the salary adjustment.

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