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vox humana


Definitions from WordNet

Noun vox humana has 1 sense
  1. vox humana - an organ reed stop producing tones imitative of the human voice
    --1 is a kind of
    reed stop

Definitions from the Web

Vox Humana


Vox Humana, Latin for "human voice," refers to a musical organ stop that imitates the sound of a choir of human voices.


Sense 1:

Noun: In music, the vox humana is a reed stop designed to imitate the sound of a choir of human voices. It produces a warm, expressive, and slightly tremulous quality.

Example Sentence: The organist skillfully incorporated the vox humana into the musical composition, adding a beautiful choral effect.


Usage 1:

Noun: The vox humana is commonly found in pipe organs used in churches, cathedrals, and concert halls.

Example Sentence: During the performance at the cathedral, the ethereal sound of the vox humana filled the majestic space, captivating the audience.

Usage 2:

Adjective: The term "vox humana" can be used as an adjective to describe something as resembling or evoking the sound of human voices.

Example Sentence: The singer's vox humana-like voice resonated through the auditorium, leaving the audience in awe.

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