Definitions from WordNet
Noun volgograd has 1 sense
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Definitions from the WebVolgogradDefinition:Volgograd is a city in southwestern Russia, located on the western bank of the Volga River. Formerly known as Stalingrad, it played a significant role during World War II and is now a major industrial and cultural center. Part of Speech:Noun Senses:
Usages:The term "Volgograd" can be used in the following ways: Popular:1. The Battle of Stalingrad took place in Volgograd during World War II. 2. Volgograd is known for its impressive monuments and museums. Local:1. Let's meet at the café near Volgograd Square. 2. Volgograd is a thriving industrial hub with many job opportunities. Sample Sentences:1. I'm planning a trip to Volgograd to explore its historical sites. 2. The Volgograd State University is renowned for its engineering programs. 3. The residents of Volgograd take immense pride in their city's rich heritage. Related Products:Find books, travel guides, and more about Volgograd on: ![]() | ||||
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