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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective vivacious has 1 sense
  1. vibrant, vivacious - vigorous and active; "a vibrant group that challenged the system"; "a charming and vivacious hostess"; "a vivacious folk dance"
    Antonym: spiritless (indirect, via spirited)

Definitions from the Web


Adjective: Full of life and energy; lively; animated.

Synonyms: lively, animated, spirited, vigorous, exuberant, high-spirited.

Senses and Usages:

1. General

Definition: Full of vitality and enthusiasm.

Example sentence: She was a vivacious child, always laughing and playing.

2. Personality

Definition: Characterized by an attractive and lively personality.

Example sentence: Her vivacious nature made her the life of every party.

3. Fashion

Definition: Marked by bright, bold, and vibrant colors and patterns.

Example sentence: She wore a vivacious dress that caught everyone's attention.

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