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Definitions from WordNet

Noun vilna has 1 sense
  1. Vilnius, Vilna, Vilno, Wilno, capital of Lithuania - the capital and largest city of Lithuania; located in southeastern Lithuania
    --1 is a kind of capital
    --1 is a part of Lithuania, Republic of Lithuania, Lietuva

Definitions from the Web


Noun - Place

Vilna refers to a city in Lithuania known for its rich history, culture, and architecture. It is the capital and largest city of the country.

Example sentence: Vilna, also known as Vilnius, is a vibrant destination that offers a range of historical landmarks and modern attractions.

Amazon search for books about Vilna

Noun - Religion

In Jewish tradition, Vilna is a term used to refer to the city of Vilnius in Lithuania. It holds special significance as a center of Jewish learning and scholarship.

Example sentence: Many Jewish scholars sought knowledge and inspiration in Vilna during the early 20th century.

Amazon search for books about Vilna in Jewish tradition

Adjective - Popular

In an informal context, Vilna can be used as an adjective to describe something as fashionable, trendy, or well-liked.

Example sentence: The new restaurant in town is so vilna among the young crowd.

Amazon search for trendy products

Adjective - Local

Vilna can also be used as an adjective to describe something as relating to or originating from Vilnius, Lithuania.

Example sentence: The shop offers a variety of local Vilna crafts and souvenirs.

Amazon search for local Vilna souvenirs

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