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Definitions from WordNet

Noun videocassette has 1 sense
  1. videocassette - a cassette for videotape
    --1 is a kind of
    cassette; video recording, video

Definitions from the Web



A videocassette refers to a magnetic tape cassette used for storing and playing back video and audio recordings.

Senses and Usages:


1. A type of tape cassette used for recording and playing back video and audio.

2. A physical format for distributing movies, TV shows, and other video content.

3. A nostalgic relic of the past when it comes to video storage and playback.


1. To record or play back video and audio using a videocassette.

2. To transfer video content from a videocassette onto a digital format.



  1. I found an old videocassette of my parents' wedding in the attic.
  2. Many libraries still offer videocassettes for rent.
  3. She collects vintage videocassettes as a hobby.


  1. We used to videocassette our favorite TV shows in the 90s.
  2. He needs to videocassette the footage from the camcorder onto a computer.

Related Products:

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