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Definitions from WordNet

Noun vibist has 1 sense
  1. vibist, vibraphonist - a musician who plays the vibraphone
    --1 is a kind of musician, instrumentalist, player

Definitions from the Web



A vibist is a musician who plays the vibraphone, a musical instrument similar to a xylophone but with metal bars and resonating tubes to produce a soft, mellow sound.

Senses and Usages:

1. Noun - Musician:

A vibist is an accomplished musician who specializes in playing the vibraphone.

Example Sentence:

John is known as one of the finest vibists in the jazz scene.

2. Noun - Instrument:

The vibist is the musical instrument itself, the vibraphone.

Example Sentence:

The vibist is a versatile instrument that adds a unique flavor to the ensemble's sound.

3. Adjective - Popular:

As an adjective, vibist refers to something that is currently trendy or in vogue.

Example Sentence:

The latest fashion collection reflects the vibist trends of the season.

4. Adjective - Local:

When used as an adjective, vibist describes something specific to a particular locality or region.

Example Sentence:

Be sure to try the vibist dishes at that local restaurant when visiting the city.

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