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Definitions from WordNet

Noun vesication has 1 sense
  1. vesiculation, vesication, blistering - the formation of vesicles
    --1 is a kind of organic process, biological process
    Derived form: verb vesicate1

Definitions from the Web



Vesication refers to the process of blistering the skin or any other surface by applying a caustic substance or extreme heat. It can also be used to describe any substance capable of producing blisters.

Senses and Usages:


1. The act or process of blistering the skin or any other surface.

2. A substance that can cause blistering, typically used for medical purposes, such as in the treatment of warts or as a counterirritant.

3. The condition of having blisters on the skin as a result of exposure to an irritant substance.


1. To cause blisters to form on the skin or any other surface.

2. To treat a condition by applying a blistering agent, often as a therapeutic means.

Sample Sentences:


1. The vesication caused by the jellyfish sting was extremely painful.

2. The doctor applied a vesication plaster to remove the wart from his patient's foot.

3. After exposure to the chemical, vesication became evident on her hands and arms.


1. The intense heat from the stove accidentally vesicated her forearm.

2. In some traditional remedies, vesication is used to draw out toxins from the body.

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