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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective veracious has 2 senses
  1. veracious, honest - habitually speaking the truth; "an honest man"; "a veracious witness"
    Antonym: untruthful (indirect, via truthful)
  2. veracious - precisely accurate; "a veracious account"
    inaccurate (indirect, via accurate)

Definitions from the Web

Veracious Definition:

Part of Speech: Adjective


1. Honest or truthful:

A person or statement that is veracious is characterized by being honest, truthful, or accurate.

Example sentence: She has earned a reputation for being a veracious reporter, always presenting facts without bias.

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You can find books related to veracity on Amazon.

Additional Usage:

2. Conforming to the truth or facts:

An argument or claim that is veracious is one that is based on or corresponds to facts or reality.

Example sentence: The scientist presented veracious evidence to support her theory on climate change.

3. Accurate in details:

A description or account that is veracious provides precise and detailed information.

Example sentence: The veracious portrayal of historical events in the movie impressed the audience.

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You can find books related to accurate descriptions on Amazon.

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