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vena peroneus

Noun vena peroneus has 1 sense
  1. peroneal vein, fibular vein, vena peroneus - accompany the peroneal arteries; arising in the heel and running up the back of the leg to join the posterior tibial veins of the popliteal vein
    --1 is a kind of vein, vena, venous blood vessel
    --1 is a part of leg
vena occipitalis vena ophthalmica vena ovarica vena palatina vena paraumbilicalis vena pectoralis vena perforantis vena pericardiaca vena peroneus vena pharyngeus vena phrenica vena poplitea vena portae vena posterior ventriculi sinistri vena profunda penis vena pulmanalis inferior vena pulmonalis

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