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vena hemizygos


Definitions from WordNet

Noun vena hemizygos has 1 sense
  1. hemizygos vein, hemizygous vein, vena hemizygos - a continuation of the left ascending lumbar vein; crosses the midline at the 8th vertebra and empties into the azygos vein
    --1 is a kind of vein, vena, venous blood vessel

Definitions from the Web

Vena Hemizygos


  1. A major vein in the human body that drains blood from the left half of the abdomen and lower thorax into the superior vena cava.
  2. In anatomy, a counterpart to the right-side vein vena azygos.

Example Sentences:

  1. The vena hemizygos is responsible for carrying deoxygenated blood back to the heart.
  2. During the dissection, we identified the vena hemizygos coursing along the left side of the spine.

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