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Definitions from WordNet

Noun vasotomy has 1 sense
  1. vasotomy, vasosection - surgical incision into or division of the vas deferens
    --1 is a kind of incision, section, surgical incision

Definitions from the Web



A vasotomy refers to the surgical procedure of cutting or incising the vas deferens, the duct that carries sperm from the testicles to the urethra.


  1. Medical Sense:

    In medical terms, vasotomy is mainly used to describe a procedure performed to prevent sperm flow, achieving male sterilization (related products) by interrupting the sperm's pathway.

    Sample sentence: After conducting a vasotomy, the patient's risk of impregnating a woman was significantly reduced.

  2. Popular Sense:

    In a more general context, vasotomy can be used colloquially to represent any surgical procedure related to the vas deferens, without specific medical implications.

    Sample sentence: Some couples consider vasotomy to be a reliable method of birth control.

  3. Local Sense:

    In certain local contexts, vasotomy might be used as slang or a regional term, but its specific meaning can vary depending on the region or community.

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