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Definitions from WordNet

Noun valuator has 1 sense
  1. appraiser, valuator - one who estimates officially the worth or value or quality of things
    --1 is a kind of evaluator, judge
    --1 has particulars: valuer
    Derived form: verb valuate1

Definitions from the Web



A valuator is a professional or expert who assesses the worth, value, or condition of something, usually for appraisal, taxation, or insurance purposes. They possess the knowledge and expertise to evaluate various assets, properties, or items accurately.

Sample Sentences:


  1. The valuator assessed the antique furniture and determined its value to be quite high.
  2. Before buying the property, it's essential to hire a valuator to determine its true market worth.
  3. The insurance company sent a valuator to evaluate the damages caused by the accident.

Related products: Interested in learning more about the profession of a valuator? Check out these related products on Amazon:

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