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vacuum cleaner


Definitions from WordNet

Noun vacuum cleaner has 1 sense
  1. vacuum, vacuum cleaner - an electrical home appliance that cleans by suction
    --1 is a kind of home appliance, household appliance
    --1 has parts: dust bag, vacuum bag
    --1 has particulars: Hoover

Definitions from the Web

Vacuum Cleaner


A vacuum cleaner is a domestic or industrial appliance used to remove dust, dirt, and debris from floors, carpets, and other surfaces by creating suction.

Sample Sentences:

As a Noun:

1. I need to buy a new vacuum cleaner to keep my house clean.

2. The old vacuum cleaner stopped working, so I had to get it repaired.

3. I used a vacuum cleaner to clean the dusty sofa.

As a Verb:

1. Make sure to vacuum clean the carpets before the guests arrive.

2. He decided to vacuum clean the entire house on his day off.

3. We always vacuum clean our car to keep it clean and free from dust.

Possible Related Products:

To find the best vacuum cleaner that suits your needs, you can browse through the following options on Amazon:

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