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Definitions from WordNet

Noun vacancy has 2 senses
  1. vacancy - being unoccupied
    --1 is a kind of
  2. void, vacancy, emptiness, vacuum - an empty area or space; "the huge desert voids"; "the emptiness of outer space"; "without their support he'll be ruling in a vacuum"
    --2 is a kind of space

Definitions from the Web



Vacancies refer to job positions or rooms that are unoccupied or available.

Senses and Usages

1. Noun - Job Openings

When used as a noun, vacancies are job openings or positions that are yet to be filled in an organization or company.

Example sentences:

  • There are currently many vacancies in the IT department.
  • Please check our website for any vacancies in your area of expertise.

Related products on Amazon: Job Postings

2. Noun - Unoccupied Rooms

In the sense of unoccupied rooms, vacancies refer to available rooms or spaces in hotels, apartments, or other accommodation establishments.

Example sentences:

  • The hotel has no vacancies for tonight.
  • We need to find a place to stay. Hopefully, they'll have some vacancies left.

Related products on Amazon: Hotel Bookings

3. Adjective - Unfilled Positions

As an adjective, vacancies describe positions or roles that are currently unfilled or unoccupied.

Example sentences:

  • The company is struggling to attract suitable candidates for the vacancies.
  • She applied for one of the vacancies in the marketing department.

Related products on Amazon: Job Search Books

4. Adjective - Uninhabited

Vacancies can also describe places or properties that are uninhabited, empty, or unoccupied.

Example sentences:

  • The abandoned house showed signs of long-term vacancies.
  • There are several vacancies houses in this neighborhood.

Related products on Amazon: Real Estate Listings

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