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Definitions from the Web



Definition: The United Service Organizations

Example: The USO is a nonprofit organization that provides services and entertainment to military personnel.

Related products: USO organization on Amazon


Definition: The quality or state of being useful or of service

Example: The new software update brings added usability and enhances the user experience.

Related products: Useful products on Amazon


Definition: Appropriate or suitable for a particular purpose or situation

Example: The speaker had a wide range of uso examples to make a point during his presentation.

Related products: Suitable products on Amazon


Definition: In a manner of being used or employed

Example: The chemicals should be stored and handled uso to prevent accidents.

Related products: Tools for handling chemicals on Amazon

Local term

Definition: A colloquial expression used within a specific region or community

Example: "Cha-ching" is a local uso used by locals to imitate the sound of a cash register.

Related products: Local slang books on Amazon

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