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used to predicate


Definitions from the Web

Used to Predicate


The term "used to predicate" refers to the grammatical construct in which the verb "used to" is combined with a base form of a verb to indicate a past habit or state that no longer exists in the present.


As a Verb Phrase:

  • She used to predicate her statements with unnecessary details. (past habit)
  • We used to predicate our happiness on material possessions. (past state)

As an Adjective:

  • His used-to-predicate behavior was strange. (referring to a past habit)
  • The used-to-predicate state of the house is now in ruins. (referring to a past state)

As a Noun:

  • The teacher explained the meaning of "used to predicate".
  • Understanding the concept of "used to predicate" is helpful for language learners.

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