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Definitions from WordNet

Noun ursus has 1 sense
  1. Ursus, genus Ursus - type genus of Ursidae: brown bears; in some classifications genus Ursus includes all bears
    --1 is a kind of mammal genus
    --1 is a member of Ursidae, family Ursidae
    --1 has members: brown bear, bruin, Ursus arctos

Definitions from the Web

Term: Ursus


Ursus is a genus of mammals belonging to the family Ursidae, which includes various species of bears.


  • Noun: A genus of bears.
  • Noun: Any bear species.
  • Noun: A stuffed bear toy.


Noun - Sense 1:


  • Ursus arctos, commonly known as the brown bear.
  • The Ursus americanus, the American black bear, is found across North America.

Noun - Sense 2:


  • The Ursus maritimus, also known as the polar bear, has adapted to live in Arctic environments.
  • I was lucky enough to see an Ursus thibetanus, also called the Asiatic black bear, during my trip to India.

Noun - Sense 3:


  • My daughter loves to play with her favorite Ursus teddy bear.
  • As a child, I carried my Ursus stuffed animal with me everywhere I went.

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