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uranium 238


Definitions from WordNet

Noun uranium 238 has 1 sense
  1. uranium 238 - the commonest isotope of uranium; it is not fissionable but when irradiated with neutrons it produces fissionable plutonium 239
    --1 is a kind of
    uranium, U, atomic number 92

Definitions from the Web

Uranium 238

Uranium 238, also known as U-238, is a radioactive isotope of uranium that occurs naturally in the Earth's crust. It is the most abundant isotope of uranium, making up about 99.3% of all naturally occurring uranium.

Sense 1: Nuclear Energy

In the context of nuclear energy, Uranium 238 is used as a fuel in nuclear reactors. It has a long half-life and can sustain a nuclear chain reaction. The fission of U-238 releases a great amount of energy, which is harnessed to produce electricity.

Example sentence: The nuclear power plant is powered by the controlled fission of uranium 238.

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Sense 2: Geology

In geology, Uranium 238 is used as a geological dating tool due to its long half-life. It is commonly used to determine the age of rocks and minerals, especially those found in deep geological formations.

Example sentence: By analyzing the ratio of uranium 238 to lead 206 in a rock sample, geologists can estimate its age.

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Sense 3: Medical Applications

In medical applications, Uranium 238 is sometimes used in radiation therapy to treat certain types of cancers. It emits alpha particles, which can target and destroy cancer cells.

Example sentence: The patient underwent targeted radiation therapy using uranium 238 for the treatment of prostate cancer.

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