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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective ununderstood has 1 sense
  1. ununderstood - not understood; "should not tamely submit to the unpredictable and ununderstood cycles of wars"- Psychiatry
    understood, appreciated, apprehended, comprehended, interpreted, taken

Definitions from the Web

Term: ununderstood

Part of Speech: Adjective

Sense 1:

Not comprehended or grasped by someone.

Sample Sentence: The concept was ununderstood by most of the audience.

Sense 2:

Not fully understood or appreciated by a particular group or individual.

Sample Sentence: The artist's unique style remains ununderstood by many critics.

Part of Speech: Verb

Sense 1:

To fail to understand or comprehend.

Sample Sentence: Despite studying hard, the complex mathematics problem remained ununderstood by the student.

Sense 2:

To intentionally not comprehend or acknowledge something.

Sample Sentence: She chose to ununderstand the implications of her actions to avoid taking responsibility.

Part of Speech: Noun

Sense 1:

A state of not being understood or comprehended.

Sample Sentence: The company's secrecy policy led to an atmosphere of ununderstood among the employees.

Sense 2:

An instance or situation in which understanding is lacking.

Sample Sentence: The meeting ended in an ununderstood due to the conflicting explanations provided by the speakers.

Part of Speech: Adverb

Sense 1:

In a manner that is not understood or comprehended.

Sample Sentence: The instructions were provided so ununderstood that even the experienced workers were confused.

Sense 2:

Without acknowledgment or consideration.

Sample Sentence: He ununderstood the risks involved and proceeded with his reckless actions.

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