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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective untamed has 1 sense
  1. wild, untamed - in a natural state; not tamed or domesticated or cultivated; "wild geese"; "edible wild plants"

Definitions from the Web



Untamed refers to something that is wild, undomesticated, or unrestrained. It can describe a person, animal, or even a concept or idea.


Adjective: He is known for his untamed spirit, always seeking adventure.

Adjective: The untamed wilderness of the Amazon rainforest is awe-inspiring.

Adjective: Her hair cascaded down her back in untamed curls.

Adverb: The horse galloped untamed through the open field.

Noun: The untamed of the city can be seen in its vibrant street art and diverse culture.


Example 1: The untamed river gushed through the narrow canyon, creating a breathtaking scene.

Example 2: The untamed child ran freely through the park, giggling with joy.

Example 3: She possessed an untamed imagination that led her to think beyond the boundaries of conventional ideas.

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