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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective unpatriotic has 1 sense
  1. unpatriotic, disloyal - showing lack of love for your country
    Antonyms: patriotic, loyal, chauvinistic, flag-waving, jingoistic, nationalistic, ultranationalistic, superpatriotic

Definitions from the Web


Part of Speech: Adjective


  1. Not showing love, support, or loyalty towards one's own country.
  2. Opposed to or not promoting the interests or welfare of one's own nation.

Example Sentences:

  • 1. Despite being born in this country, his unpatriotic actions displayed a lack of respect for its values.
  • 2. The politician's decision to sell classified information to a rival nation was considered highly unpatriotic.
  • 3. The unpatriotic behavior of the spectators, who jeered their own team, shocked everyone in the stadium.

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