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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective unpaintable has 1 sense
  1. unpaintable - not paintable especially not suitable for artistic representation on canvas; "the inexpressible, unpaintable `tick' in the unconscious"

Definitions from the Web



The term "unpaintable" refers to something that cannot be painted, usually due to its surface material, texture, or condition.

Part of Speech:


Sense 1:

Pertaining to a surface or material that cannot be painted.

Sample Sentence 1:

The unpaintable brick wall retained its natural rustic appearance.

Sample Sentence 2:

The artist gave up on the unpaintable canvas and switched to a smoother surface.

Sense 2:

Describing a condition or characteristic that hinders or makes painting difficult.

Sample Sentence 1:

Due to its irregular shape, the unpaintable sculpture posed a challenge for the artist.

Sample Sentence 2:

The unpaintable surface required extensive preparation before any painting could be applied.

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