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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective unmeasured has 2 senses
  1. unmeasured - not measured
    measured, plumbed, sounded
  2. illimitable, limitless, measureless, unmeasured - without limits in extent or size or quantity; "immeasurable vastness of our solar system"
    Antonyms: measurable, mensurable (indirect, via immeasurable)

Definitions from the Web

Term: unmeasured
  1. Part of Speech: Adjective
  2. Sense 1: Not measured; lacking measurement or precise quantity.
  3. Sample Sentence: The unmeasured ingredients in the recipe resulted in a disappointing outcome.

  4. Sense 2: Not restrained or limited; excessive or immoderate.
  5. Sample Sentence: His unmeasured enthusiasm for football often led to reckless decisions on the field.

  6. Sense 3: Not assessed or evaluated; not given a value or rating.
  7. Sample Sentence: The unmeasured potential of the young artist impressed the art critic.

  8. Sense 4: Not accounted for or considered; not taken into consideration.
  9. Sample Sentence: The unmeasured consequences of the decision became apparent only later.

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