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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective unlubricated has 1 sense
  1. unlubricated, ungreased - not lubricated
    Antonyms: lubricated, greased

Definitions from the Web




1. Lacking or without any form of lubrication or lubricant.

2. Not coated or treated with a substance that reduces friction.

3. Lacking emotional or physical ease; uncomfortable.


sense 1 - lacking or without any form of lubrication or lubricant

sense 2 - not coated or treated with a substance that reduces friction

sense 3 - lacking emotional or physical ease; uncomfortable

Usage Examples:

1. The unlubricated machinery quickly overheated and broke down. (Adjective - Sense 1)

2. Remember to use an unlubricated condom for certain medical procedures. (Adjective - Sense 2)

3. The unlubricated chair had an uncomfortable squeak. (Adjective - Sense 3)

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