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universal gas constant


Definitions from WordNet

Noun universal gas constant has 1 sense
  1. gas constant, universal gas constant, R - (physics) the universal constant in the gas equation: pressure times volume = R times temperature; equal to 8.3143 joules per kelvin per mole
    --1 is a kind of constant

Definitions from the Web

Universal Gas Constant


The Universal Gas Constant, denoted by the symbol R, is a fundamental physical constant in thermodynamics and chemistry. It relates the amount of energy stored in a system to the temperature and pressure of that system. It is used to calculate the properties of gases, such as their volume, pressure, and temperature.


As a Noun - Thermodynamics and Chemistry

1. The Universal Gas Constant, a constant value denoted by R and equal to 8.314 J/(molâ‹…K), used in the ideal gas law equation.

Example Sentence: The ideal gas law, PV = nRT, incorporates the Universal Gas Constant to determine the behavior of gases.

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