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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective uninhibited has 1 sense
  1. uninhibited - not inhibited or restrained; "uninhibited exuberance"
    inhibited, pent-up, repressed, smothered, stifled, strangled, suppressed

Definitions from the Web

Term: uninhibited


Adjective: Not restricted or restrained by social conventions, rules, or self-consciousness.

Noun: A person who is not inhibited.



  1. She danced uninhibitedly, not caring about what others thought.
  2. Children often display uninhibited behavior, freely expressing their emotions.
  3. Living alone allows him to be uninhibited in his creative pursuits.


  1. He's known as an uninhibited, carefree individual who always lives in the moment.
  2. The workshop focuses on helping individuals become more uninhibited in public speaking.
  3. The uninhibited turned heads with their candid and bold approach to art.

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