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unification church


Definitions from WordNet

Noun unification church has 1 sense
  1. Unification Church - a Christian church (with some Buddhist elements) founded in 1954 by Sun Myung Moon and known for staging mass weddings and other communal activities
    --1 is a kind of
    church, Christian church
    --1 has member: Moonie

Definitions from the Web

Term: unification church


The Unification Church, also known as the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, is a religious movement founded in South Korea in 1954 by Sun Myung Moon.

Part of Speech



Sense 1: The religious movement founded by Sun Myung Moon.

Sense 2: The building or place of worship for followers of the Unification Church.


Usage 1: She became a devoted follower of the Unification Church after attending their seminar.

Usage 2: The Unification Church holds regular services and events for its members.

Sample Sentences

Sentence 1: The Unification Church teaches teachings emphasizing spiritual growth and the importance of family unity.

Sentence 2: The local Unification Church is hosting a charity event this weekend.

Sentence 3: Many adherents of the Unification Church believe in the idea of a harmonious global community.

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